Monday, June 30, 2008

Building a Team

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I feel like the greatest way to lead is through teams.  I have been blessed with a great team, and it is becoming even greater.  I think it is my job as the leader of the team to make sure that every member of the team is moving in the right direction.

There are people on the team that are on all different levels.  Some are brand new to the team, it is my job to make sure they are finding their place, and feeling like they are a part.  That is why we are working our way through interview after interview. Other members, ones who have been on the team longer, need me to challenge them and stretch them.  Team members like Julie and Eric need new leadership challenges.  I have to make sure that they are learning to lead leaders.

This leadership challenge is the greatest one of my life, but it is also the most fun I have ever had!


Anonymous said...

I believe leading leaders is perhaps one of the most formidable challenges we're facing in the 21st century. With such a vast array of challenges and other activities constantly competing for our time, we must be strategic in our approach.

If TIME is our most valuable commodity, then how we utilize our time should be of the utmost importance.

As we strive to train leaders and develop their potential we must never forget where our source originates. As move leaders developmentally through the different stages of life and leadership, watching them grow through success and failure, we must always point them towards the Leader of all Leaders!

Keep up the great work in Frisco!

Anonymous said...

Last paragraph, second sentence, flip-flop the second and third words so it reads "As leaders move"

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.